Meet Matt
Matt has always said he is an "outside bird". His passion for projects and growing things has made running our farming operations a perfect fit.

1. What motto do you live by and why? It is what it is. Because it usually really just is.
2. Who has inspired your work ethic? I think at a young age my parents. My dad always came home late and worked hard everyday. My mom was always busy too cleaning, and doing yard work. Always busy. My wife really inspires me as well. She has a lot of enthusiasm for new projects. She’s always working on something. It gives me strength when she’s working beside me.
3. What do you find enjoyable about the farming lifestyle? I enjoy being able to set my own schedule and what I do everyday. It’s rewarding when you grow a good crop and things look nice. It’s been huge being able to have my kids at my place of work so I can teach them and to be able to see your family all day long.
4. What are your strength areas? The ability to get things done with very little resources. We’ve gotten really good at making do. How does this come in handy with Bloomstead? We’re not extravagant. I have a lot of experience and understand irrigation, fertility and proper farming. Beyond that, hard work doesn’t scare me. This is just what we do around here.
5. What do you do outside of Bloomstead Farms? I run Seger West Farms. We grow potatoes, barley, and seed canola. How do these things benefit Bloomstead? We already have equipment, knowledge and connections in the farming community. This is an extension of what we’re already doing. It’s very different, but growing things is what we do, so in that way it’s helpful to have the experience from the other crops.
6. What do you do on the flower farm? I am the Chief Operations Officer which just pretty much means I’m in charge of farming operations.
7. What has been most surprising about what you like about working on the flower farm? They are just so darn pretty. They’re just really fun to come home to. They brighten our environment. I really like working with my family..from watching the young guys learn the business side to all of us on our hands and knees in the field figuring it out together.
8. What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you? Oh, maybe that I love holding babies. They are so fun lol!
9. What is your favorite flower? I really like the Sam Hopkins or Fleurel.
10. What is your vision for the flower farm? It would be amazing for it to become a destination for people looking for beautiful sites and to buy flowers for their landscapes.